The web is a great place to learn about maintaining your health and
managing illness. Apps connected to mobile devices can really help
track progress toward goals and motivate activity. This course will
help you introduce a wide range of possibilities and steer you away
from less credible sites as well.
Ravi Singhal will teach the course in 2 sessions from 6-7 p.m.
on Oct. 4 and Oct. 11 at the library.
This course is an introduction to the types of web-based resources
there are to discover health information and use that information to
improve ones health. Sample websites from government, nonprofit, educational and research facilities, and blogs are introduced, as are alternative and healthy eating sites. The course includes several mobile apps that the student can use to track fitness activities and food reference, and YouTube where one can find lots of videos to work out with.
Call the library at 815-945-4253 to reserve your space or email
at [email protected]. Walk-ins will be accepted providing we
have room.

This Oasis Connections class is provided to you through a federal grant awarded to Mennonite College of Nursing at Illinois State University.