America’s News from Newsbank The BiblioBoard Library is available to everyone in Illinois, courtesy of RAILS, regardless of whether they have a library card. Items on this platform have no holds, no waits, and can be accessed simultaneously. is a suite of resources – available to everyone in Illinois at no charge – that supports local authors with online creation and publishing tools and allows readers to access locally-produced content. 
Free passes to select museums and attractions with your library card
Featured Resource – Khan Academy
City of Chenoa
The City of Chenoa has a website you can consult for information on community events, city government, churches, and businesses.
Government Information has the documents you need for filing federal income taxes. is the official website of the Illinois Department of Revenue; you can find Illinois tax forms and other documents there. is your official source for federal, state, and local government information. You’ll find answers to questions on everything from Social Security and government auctions to product recalls and travel advisories.
Illinois State Library
The Illinois State Library has become a computer-age doorway to worldwide information, providing patrons with an electronic bridge to the collections of universities, public and corporate libraries, and new information systems that will continue to develop into the 21st century and beyond.
Internet Public Library and Librarian’s Internet Index
In 2010, the Internet Public Library and Librarian’s Information Index merged to become ipl2: information you can trust. ipl2 is a public service organization and a teaching/learning environment, hosted by Drexel University’s College of Information Science & Technology. Thousands of volunteer library professionals and library and information science students have been involved in designing, building, creating, and maintaining the ipl2 collections.
Medical Information More than 3,300 physicians, scientists and researchers from Mayo Clinic share their expertise to empower you to manage your health.
University of Illinois Extension is an interactive learning environment delivering the best, most researched knowledge from the smartest land-grant university minds across America. eXtension connects knowledge consumers with knowledge providers – experts who know their subject matter inside out. eXtension offers objective, research-based and credible information on a wide variety of topics, such as agriculture, leadership development, and consumer services.