Thanks Viola and Pam

We are starting the new year at the Library with immense gratitude in our hearts.                                
We are grateful to Pam and Jim Raymond for their new donation to our new handicap accessible library.  They met with us and gave us encouragement and great ideas, along with a generous donation.  How wonderful.  Thank you Pam and Jim.
We took this lovely picture to celebrate.  Here’s Dan Groce, Library Board Vice-President, Pat Witte, Library Board President, Pam Raymond, a great friend of our library, and your Library Director Sheryl.
We are also very  thankful to Viola Atkins for her recent donation.  ViolIMG_3280a is a long-standing book club member and a frequent visitor to our library.  Viola embraced e-books at a time in her life when few others her age would have done so.
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